Homage to Klimt

    Our collections begin with the study of the decorating project and its design; sheets of glass in various colours are hand-cut with diamods tools, guaranteeing precision down to the millimeter in the realization of the object. the technique we use to create all our products is glass mosaic.

    the cut glass can be enhanced by adding precious gold and silver leaf, traditional murrine also known as millefiori, the rich and beautiful filigrana, zanfirico and reticello glass rods, the precious avventurina, the clear or glass paste rods, the fine ground coloured glass called graniglia, or multicoloured threads of glass. depending on the typology of the design, the gold and silver leaf may also be angraved or painted.

    the cut glass is then ready for the composition of the design. upon completion, the object is placed in the kilns and fused for approximately 24 hours; for certain products that are particularly large or thick, the fusion process may require u to 4 or 5 days.

    the product is then removed from the kiln, washed and scrupulously examined to ascertain that the result of the fusion is perfect.

    the next phase consists in a manual polishing process using a grinding wheel with diamonds belts.

    some of the creations must be fused a second or third time to achieve particular curves or bending radiuses.

    the flat glass is placed onto a special moulds made of refractory material or of steel, and fused at different temperatures based on the weight and size of the object.

    when the articles are cooled, they are ready to be signed by the glass master and sent on for packing.

    Complete set plate and centerpiece in different sizes made by master Maurizio Alfier as a tribute to Gustav Klimt’s works.
    Each object is made with the technique of glass fusion, and all are polychrome with decorations in 24K gold.

    Square Plate = 30 cm

    Large Oval Plate = 42 * 23 * 10 H

    Medium Oval Plate = 47 * 12 * 10 H

    Small Oval Plate = 34 * 9 * 3 H